
Stay Healthy—Start your Day with a Tool Box Talk

There is a lot of talk about staying fit and healthy by doing exercises in the mornings. This is of course a great way to stay fit and healthy, but once you get to work often talking is even more important.

During the installation and commissioning phases of our filling and packaging line projects we always start the work day with an informal meeting called a Toolbox Talk, with all project team members working on site that day. This, of course, supplements all the swimming, running and weightlifting we do prior to getting to work!

These Toolbox talks are a great way of communicating amongst all suppliers and workers on the project about what is happening that day, so that they have a better chance of still being fit and healthy by the end of the day.

By hearing about what equipment is being moved or tested or what materials are being run it makes the project a safer place to work. The meetings are normally short and the use of a flip chart or whiteboard acts as a visual aid and reminder of activities during the day.

It is a very immediate way of communicating what is happening, go over safety checks, ask questions of all team members and for to ensure understanding for everyone, critical when working with people from many countries. It is very effective in reinforcing a culture of safety as well as helping to avoid accidents.

Toolbox talks lead to better, more effective planning of the day’s work, so that suppliers are not losing time waiting for something to happen.

Last but not least, what a great way to start the day, bringing project team members together and building strong relationships.